3 Tips for Avoiding Contract Disputes

3 Tips for Avoiding Contract Disputes

3 Tips for Avoiding Contract Disputes

As a business owner, it’s generally in your best interests to prevent legal disagreements whenever possible. The ensuing business disruption or litigation drains money and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. However, avoiding contract disputes takes a little thought and action on your part.

Get Legal Advice During Negotiations

It’s a given that you will consider all aspects of a transaction before finalizing the deal. Your skill as a businessperson enables you to grasp the consequences to your business – as far as the business goes. However, some legal consequences are far more difficult to see.

When negotiating deals, discuss the details with your business lawyer.

Have an Attorney Write Your Contracts

As a business owner, you may be accustomed to taking care of things yourself rather than delegating. However, when it comes to contracts, avoid being tempted to:

  • pull up an old contract and tweak it to fit a current deal,
  • buy a contract online,
  • let the other party’s attorneys draw up the contract,
  • write the contract yourself.

The complexity of contract law makes it imperative that you have an attorney write and review your contract. Also, remember that the other party’s attorney is not writing the contract with your best interests in mind. Always let your business lawyer review contracts before you sign.

Quickly Address Simple Disagreements

People disagree – that’s just life. But some contract disputes may affect your company’s future success. Even a seemingly minor difference of opinion can suddenly explode into a serious business disruption, breach of contract, or litigation.

Instead of ignoring contract disputes, take care of them as soon as possible. Business disagreements often involve legal issues, so get your attorney’s advice on how to settle things with a minimum loss.

Discuss Ways for Avoiding Contract Disputes.

Attorney Richard Sierra at the Florida Small Business Center assists clients like you with business and litigation matters. As always, Our Goal Is to Help You Succeed™. For an appointment, you may call us at 1-866-842-5202 or use the contact form on our website. we represent clients throughout South Florida, including Coral Springs, Coconut Creek, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Pompano Beach, Sunrise, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounding communities.

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